Centre-based Training (Courses)

I host the following training events several times during the year from central locations in the West Midlands area.  The sessions enable schools and academies to provide identified members of staff with in-depth phonics (Letters and Sounds) training.  They are an ideal way to train staff who are new to your school or developing their skills within a new year group. 

Please click on the course titles for dates and locations of forthcoming training events. Is that how it will work? Or does this need to say “Go to the booking section to book your place on a forthcoming training event.”


Ready for Reading?

Understanding the Foundations of Phonics

This training is suitable for Early Years practitioners from a range of settings.  It provides a clear explanation of the role phonics plays in early reading and writing development and includes lots of practical ideas for ensuring children gain a secure foundation in phonics in readiness for starting school.  Attending this course will:

* clarify the meaning and importance of phonics

* review the purpose of Phase One

* consider essential subject knowledge

* explore best practice in developing Phase One provision including contexts for learning and

   ideas for practical activities, developing confidence to deliver an effective phonics-rich

  curriculum through flexible and play-based activities that are age-appropriate and in  

  keeping with good Early Years practice.  


Getting it right from the start: Planning and Teaching Effective Phonics Lessons in EYFS

This course is suitable for Nursery and Reception teachers and teaching assistants who deliver daily systematic phonics teaching to children working within phases 1 to 4 of Letters and Sounds. It outlines best practice in laying the foundations of phonics and introducing systematic phonics.  Attending this course will: 

* increase understanding of the importance of phonics in early reading and writing

* develop confidence with essential subject knowledge

* support effective planning processes including assessment for learning

* explore best practice in developing Phase One provision

*consider the structure of the daily phonics lesson in Reception including ways to maximise

  active involvement in lessons

Planning and Delivering an Effective Phonics Lesson—every day!

This course is suitable for teachers and teaching assistants who deliver daily systematic phonics teaching to children working within phases 2 to 5 of Letters and Sounds. It unravels the curriculum content for Year One and provides practical examples of best practice that will enable children to achieve expected standards in the Phonics Screening Check and beyond.  Attending the course will:

* increase understanding of the importance of phonics in early reading and writing

* develop confidence with essential subject knowledge including progression of knowledge  

   and skills

* support effective planning processes including assessment for learning

* explore the structure of the daily phonics lesson in Y1 / Y2

* demonstrate a range of practical activities including meaningful opportunities for

   vocabulary extension and comprehension within phonics lessons

Improving Outcomes through effective use of the Phonics Screening Check Materials

This course is suitable for Y1 and Y2 teachers who will be administering the Phonics Screening Check during the summer term as well as subject leaders and senior managers involved in administering or responding to the results of the Screening Check.   Attending the course will: 


* increase understanding of the purpose and content of the Phonics Screening Check

* prepare staff and pupils for the Screening Check within the context of an effective phonics


* explore strategies for identifying children / focus areas for “last minute” intervention

* support effective administration of the check including “lessons learned” to promote good


* explore ways of analysing the screening check data and using it to inform planning and

   target interventions 




Becoming a Reader: supporting children to apply phonics skills at text level through effective organisation of Guided Reading lessons and the wider Reading curriculum


Phonics for Spelling: developing accuracy by embedding a phonics-based approach to transitional spelling in KS1 and beyond



Cost of full day events: £190 (£150 for second and subsequent delegates)  

NB: Lunch is provided for full day events – please advise of any special dietary requirements when booking.

Cost of half-day events: £100 (£80 for second and subsequent delegates)


ONLINE Training for Letters and Sounds

ONLINE Training for Letters and Sounds

A complete ONLINE training package for Letters and Sounds that can be accessed from home or school
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Other School-based CPD

Other School-based CPD

Other school-based consultancy opportunities including audits and complete packages of support
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Booking Enquiries

Booking Enquiries

Register a booking or group requirment for training
Sign Up

Whole School INSET

Whole School INSET

Comprehensive training for Letters and Sounds delivered in your school setting
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Centre-based Training (Courses)

Centre-based Training (Courses)

A range of training events held at locations across the West Midlands
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Sound Start Phonics
25 Berwood Road
Wylde Green
B72 1BS

Getting phonics

Tel: 07931 196 627
Email: webenquiry@soundstartphonics.co.uk