Sound!Start Phonics for

A complete Systematic, Synthetic Phonics (SSP) programme that equips teachers to teach phonics and early reading with enthusiasm, clarity and consistency so that all children learn to read and spell quickly and with confidence.

Why is Sound!Start Phonics right for my school?

The Sound!Start Phonics for Letters and Sounds programme outlines a whole-class mastery approach to teaching phonics. It enables all children to keep pace with ambitious expectations for reading and spelling through systematic repetition and practice of taught knowledge and skills.
The programme is designed to embed high-quality teaching, carefully focusing attention on the things we want children to know and remember whilst simultaneously building staff subject knowledge and expertise.

Download a introduction to the programme here.

DFE Validation

The Sound!Start Phonics for Letters and Sounds programme has been thoroughly self-assessed against the Department for Education’s Essential Core Criteria for SSPs. It was submitted for validation at the end of March 2022 and we look forward to receiving the panel’s feedback at the end of May.

Detailed weekly planning and printable lesson resources for Reception and Year One.

A complete collection of fully decodable reading books.
(many of which may already be on your shelves)

Assessment Materials including software to support tracking / analysis.

Letter Formation patters plus other handwriting resources.

Comprehensive Training for all aspects of the programme available both face-to-face and online.

Detailed Teacher Guidance including step-by-step instructions for delivering the Core Teaching Activities.

 Colour-coded resources which are cost-effective and easy-to-use.

Specific Intervention Activities to accelerate progress particularly of the lowest 20%.

An effective, easy-to- manage approach to early reading practice.

Specific Leadership support including audit materials and a model for ongoing practice and coaching.

For further information or to register your interest please email