Early Blending Skills

Sound!Start Phonics for Letters and Sounds: Blending Box

A box of 84 picture cards that can be used in activities to extend vocabulary and develop oral blending and segmenting skills with “cvc” words.  The pictures have been carefully selected to increase familiarity with the full range of speech sounds and each card includes guidance to support accurate segmentation. 

Single and double-line borders can be used to separate the cards into two stages to support children in need of additional blending practice.


GPC Recognition and Recall

GPC Recognition and Recall

Wall friezes, flashcards and grapheme charts for teaching and practising grapheme-phoneme correspondences
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Early Blending Skills

Early Blending Skills

Picture cards to support early blending skills and extend vocabulary
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Booking Enquiries

Booking Enquiries

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Word Reading

Word Reading

A collection of resources to teach and practise word reading across Phases Two to Five
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Resource Collections

Resource Collections

A cost-effective way to purchase resources and ensure consistency of approach within your school
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Sound Start Phonics
25 Berwood Road
Wylde Green
B72 1BS

Getting phonics

Tel: 07931 196 627
Email: webenquiry@soundstartphonics.co.uk